Românul Corp Online Language School offers virtual classes to children and adults interested in learning Romanian as well as understanding and connecting with the most important aspects of the Romanian language and culture. We strive to offer our students quality courses through dialogue, play, music, project-based activities, critical thinking, and through interactions with their peers in Romania and with the Romanian American community.
We are based in Connecticut but we welcome students from any other states who can connect remotely via Zoom.
Why learn Romanian?
What we offer:
small online classes of up to 5 students
curriculum using modern methodologies
heritage language adapted to each level of competence
experienced and dedicated teachers
low fees for the Romanian American community
summer outdoor classes and events in person (Connecticut only)
full scholarships for families in need.
News - Știri
Romanian Language School – Fall 2024
Open Registration for Romanul School classes starting in Fall 2024 for children and adults! Please join us for the 8th consecutive semester. Thank you!
College admission webinar – part II
5 Martie - Webinar despre admiterea la colegiu şi cum să maximizăm oferta financiară. Webinar-ul este prezentat de prietena noastră Diana Barbu de la University of Florida, în colaboare cu
College Admission Webinar
We all know that college admissions are both exciting and stressful in the same time, while it can be highly confusing and time-consuming! Join us on Tuesday, September 19th,
Annual Romanian Language School picnic
On June 17-18, 2023, Romanul School Online held the annual picnic in Hubbard Park in Meriden CT. We celebrated the end of the 5th semester of classes and awarded
Romanul School Fundraiser
Românul Corp and the Romanian Language School in Connecticut launch the special FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN On International Children’s Day, June 1st, 2023 - A ROMANIAN LANGUAGE GIFT
Mark Twain School delegation visit
Actualizare: detalii despre vizita, imagini si comentarii se gasesc in Buletinul Romanul pe luna iunie 2023 - În zilele de 6 - 9 aprilie 2023, Românul Corp/ Şcoala
Updated: 18 Jun 2023 – Romanul picnic in
You are invited Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 2 pm to Romanul potluck picnic in Hubbard Park, Meriden CT. Details in the poster.

Ce oferim la şcoala Românul?

Clase online pe grupe de până la 5 elevi
Clase pentru toate nivelurile – de la 4 ani la adulți
Curriculum cu metodologii moderne
Adaptare la toate nivelurile de competență,
Instructori cu experiență
Prețuri reduse
Evenimente în aer liber pe timpul verii (doar în statul Connecticut)
Sprijin financiar pentru maxim 10 copii
Become a Sponsor
Our sponsors enable us to extend the scholarship program and reduce class fees for all students. Sponsor's name and logo will be promoted on the school's webpage and in all Romanul publications.
$180 Will Sponsor One Child
But any amount is appreciated. Just fill out the sponsor form below and add any amount you feel comfortable with. For details regarding sponsorship, please contact us at info@theromanian.org
Thank you for your generosity!
- între $1 și $100 – donează pentru materiale didactice și cărți
- $180 – donează ca un copil să participe pe gratis la o sesiune de 12 lecții de limba română
- între $200 și $1,000 – donează sau sponsorizează un proiect special al școlii
- peste $1,000 – Sponsor de Onoare care va fi promovat pe pagina școlii și pe pagina Românul și căruia i se oferă oportunitatea să propună un proiect educaţional prin intermediul școlii de limba română din CT.
Toți donatorii și sponsorii vor fi promovați ȋn paginile Românul. Vă mulțumim !
You can donate with any type of credit or debit card using the Paypal secure service. Donațiile se pot efectua cu orice tip de credit sau debit card, prin serviciul bancar securizat PayPal.
What People Say
“We are so impressed with the quality of this course. Mrs. Florina is such a wonderful, warm, personable teacher! Our son enjoys so much the lessons, both in terms of curriculum but also the presence of the teacher. We hope that we will have the opportunity to have more lessons with this wonderful teacher! Thank you and Happy Holidays!”

“Classes length were perfect and materials covered was great. Teacher was very resourceful and knowledgeable. It was amazing to travel Romania and discover the culture while learning the language. Homework was appropriate and at kids level.”

“Luiza is great! She has a great personality and our kid likes her. She is energetic and is able to engage the kids even via zoom which is not easy to do. She is creative and gives a lot of positive reinforcement. We could not have asked for a better teacher!”

“Buna ziua si multumim mult pentru lectiile interesante si pline de suflet pe care A. le are cu dumneavoastră ! A. vrea mult sa știe sa vorbească românește ca sa poată comunica cu familia din țara, însă îl frustreaza nespus ca nu e fluent. Ne bucurăm ca are oportunitatea sa practice și speram ca la un moment dat el va fi confortabil sa vorbească românește.”

“Great classes! Florina is doing a great job! Engaging them in free conversation is a great technique to get to talk in Romanian, also focusing on ‘organized’ topics to learn basic Romanian words is effective. Great classes! Would definitely continue long term! Thank you for creating the opportunity for our children to learn and speak better our native language.”

“Florina – multumim pentru energia, timpul investit cu E. si grupul ei. Suntem onorati si apreciem sa te avem in cercul nostru de educatori si mentori. Admir si apreciez alegerile tale de materiale prezentate, patriotismul tau romanesc si atentia la detaliile pe care le insufli copiilor nostri.”

“Multumesc pentru o lectie foarte interesanta si “ entertaining” pentru adolescentii nostri!! Abia astept sa vada ce vor face la lectia urmatoare!”

“Vreau sa va scriu sa va spun ce multumiti sintem de lectiile de limba romana cu Mihaela Hagea. Ea e o profesoara minunata, ii invata asa de multe lucruri pe copii, sintem char asa de impresionati ce multa materie parcurge intr-o ora. Sintem foarte multumiti ce mult a invatat baiatul nostru deja si ne bucuram foarte mult ca l-am inscris la aceste lectii.
Daca stiam de ele mai demult l-as fi inscris mai repede.”